Something’s Coming

December 11th, 2021!!


three porcelain and wooden doll christmas ornaments black, white and red


– All New Work –


– Wonderfully Peculiar –


…Just for Christmas


Stefanie Vega’s dollwerx and Copro Gallery Present



An Exceptionally Peculiar Christmas




Opening Reception December 11, 2021 3-9 pm

The show runs through January 1, 2022.

I am honored to share the gallery space during this festive time with talented artists Nouar, Xue Wang, Amanda Adomaitis and Laurie Hassold.


2525 Michigan Avenue
Bergamot Station Arts Complex
Santa Monica, California 90404

You can preview my magickal creations that will be on display on the Shop (available) and Work pages of this website.

For pre-show purchase inquiries, please contact Copro Gallery by emailing or calling 310-829-2156 or visit their website for more information.